History | Back to Top
Most therapists will want to know some information about your past, and EMDR therapists will pay particular attention to information about abuse, neglect, trauma, health issues, or any situation where you may have developed negative feelings about yourself.
Preparation | Back to Top
You will have the opportunity to experience a calming exercise that can be used both in the office and at home, and we will identify other positive resources in your life. Bilateral stimulation will be introduced and you’ll be able to try visual, tactile and auditory versions before deciding what is most comfortable for you.
Assessment | Back to Top
Here is where you decide on a place to begin the active process of EMDR and I assist you in developing the outline containing beliefs, emotions and body sensations associated with the target issue.
Desensitization | Back to Top
This is the phase where the elements you’ve identified for reprocessing and bilateral stimulation come together. We work in “sets”, stopping at intervals to check in and report to me what may be coming up (thoughts, feelings, body sensations, memories). You never have to say anything you’re uncomfortable with, and the checking in is only to ensure that things are moving. You are always the one in control and may stop at any time if you desire.
Installation | Back to Top
A previously identified positive belief is intensified with bilateral stimulation after the desensitization process is complete.
Body Scan | Back to Top
The original issue/incident is held together with the new positive belief, and the body is scanned for any indication that there are still reservations about its validity.
Closure | Back to Top
We will leave time at the end of most reprocessing sessions to debrief and do a relaxation exercise ensuring that you are comfortable and ready to leave the office.
Reevaluation | Back to Top
This phase occurs during the session following your reprocessing, where we’ll discuss anything you’ve noticed since our work such as dreams, insights, behaviors or new memories.